
Seventh Day Adventists

Adventists believe life is more than just the accumulation of "stuff". It’s about more than just surviving. It means more than simply maximising pleasure and minimising pain. We believe every life is of infinite value. Why? Because every human is miraculously crafted by God who wants us to live life to the full. What's more, He sent His Son to demonstrate true love, forgiveness and grace.

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About Filoship Connect | FCC

Mission : “Outreach Through Unity”

Vision : “Reaching out through Unity to prepare everyone for Jesus’ soon return”

Guiding Principles

 1. To praise God daily with surrender, reverence, respect, and humility, and live by the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in sharing the love of Christ.

 2. To search the Gospel and the Inspired Writings as the source of our daily guidance. The Inspired Writings are the Spirit of Prophecy.

 3. To accept our convictions in living, sharing and promoting the message of the Truth.

 4. To embrace the spirit of caring and nurturing one another.

 5. To remain faithful in our journey together until the day of the Lord.

 6. To consciously remember our Spiritual inheritance as adopted sons and daughters to the King of the Universe.

 7. To maintain our cultural heritage, as Filipinos in our adopted homeland.

Mission Statements

 1. To make and keep God the centre, the reason, and the focus of our activities at all times.

 2. To put others, the benefit thereof, and the spreading of God’s word to the Filipino community

 3. To seek and make every opportunity to serve others, and “let our light shine, before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father in heaven”.

 4. To be responsible to members of our Local Churches, our Local Communities, to our families and brethren.

 5. To recognise each others' genuine needs and to support when needed.

 6. To uplift and encourage fellow beings regardless of creed, colour and race to be one in Jesus Christ.

 7. To welcome every individual who would join or affiliate with the Filoship-Connect*, having in mind to share the compassion, tolerance, peace and joy in the fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ